Witch Girl and the Push – Photo Gallery

Here are some of the Sydney Push photos collected during the writing of Witch Girl and The Push. Some are amongst the 100 or so photos in the book but many are not. Click on each photo to enlarge. To contribute images to the gallery, contact Lyn Gain.

Pope Chandler Bill Pope and Geoffrey Chandler. Photo Doug Nicholson.
slide2 Brenda Lin & Cam Perry. Photo David Perry.
Darcy Waters not long before his hip operation. Photo John Cox.
DarlingtonRd Darlington Road backyard in the 1960s. Includes Wilding, Della, Paddy McGuinness, Mike Walsh and quite a few others. Photo from Michael Baldwin’s collection.
slide4 Dundi Laczko, Kaye Hancox, Pitti Pat, Dick Appleton and Robyn Appleton at Michael Baldwin’s wedding. Photo Doug Nicholson.
EvaCox Eva Cox, Tony Bilson and Gretel Pinniger. Photo Irina Dunn.
slide1 Ellen White. This photo will be in David Perry’s forthcoming autobiography. Photo David Perry.
GeorgeAndre George Molnar & Andre Frankovits. Photo Doug Nicholson.
Bobby Pringle Mongolian Royal Family Lyn Gain & Bobby Pringle. Photo Irina Dunn.
Matthew at the New Hellas This has been contributed by Sally Sellors. It shows her with Michael Stutchbury and Mathew Robinson in 1980. It will be cropped for use in the second edition of Witch Girl and the Push, to complete the set for the Wild Wild Young Men chapter.
Bayview Push & Hannes 10595819_1448628348735404_1310011296_n A new photo contributed by Phillip Donoghue in August 2014. Clockwise from top right: Richard O’Sullivan, Lyn Gain, Simon Bonney, Hannes Reiman, John Grimes. From the collection of Edward Moss.
slide5 Rocky Myers with his and June Wilson’s children, Jenny and Nicky. Photo John Cox.
Roelof Smilde & Brigitte Palms Roelof Smilde & Brigitte Palms. Photo from Richard Brennan’s collection.
slide3 Sue How & Albie Thoms. Photo David Perry. This photo will be included in David’s forthcoming book ‘Memoirs of a Dedicated Amateur.
Criterion The Criterion
This one is from the Criterion in 1965. Includes Jim Baker & Darcy Waters, Jack Childs, Bob Gould, Bill Dwyer, John McBeth, Alex Nevarre, Beris Richardson and the back of David Ivison’s head. Photo Doug Nicholson.
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