Self Publishing Alternative

Fully author funded. This is an alternative for people thinking about self publishing. Valentine Press actually publishes the book. The author pays for the costs of formatting and production, plus fee for service printing and distribution.Β  Do your own marketing or contract it elsewhere – author keeps all profits. Author retains copyright.

What you get

Basic edit (punctuation, spelling, grammar, syntax, broad structure) teal-tick-sml
Developmental edit teal-cross-sml
Proofreading teal-tick-sml
Cover design (full colour, matt or gloss) teal-tick-sml
Formatting (converting manuscript to book or e-book format) teal-tick-sml
File uploading for Print on Demand and/or e-books teal-tick-sml
Electronic and physical book proofs teal-tick-sml
ISBN, Barcode and National Library listing teal-tick-sml
Inclusion in Ingram Global Distribution Channels* (print and/or e-book) teal-tick-sml
Listing in Ingram Advance Catalogue teal-tick-sml
Link from Valentine Press website to your website teal-tick-sml
Ordering and fulfilment of orders – by single book or short run – to you or direct to book purchaser teal-tick-sml
Page on Valentine Press website with PayPal Buy Now button teal-cross-sml
Book launch teal-cross-sml
Marketing Publicity and reviews teal-cross-sml

* Global Distribution Channels means your book and description are accessible worldwide to book wholesalers and retailers, including Amazon, Apple and major book stores.

What you pay

All costs of labour for editing, proofreading, formatting, cover design and publishing, plus direct costs of file uploads, ISBNs, library and catalogue listings. Cost of print on demand short runs and printing and freight for individual orders, plus Valentine Press administration fee.

The overall cost will vary depending on factors like the size of your book, whether it includes photographs or illustrations, and how much editorial assistance is required.

A quote will be provided before entering into a contract. As a broad guide only, the full cost for all the above for a 60,000 word 9” x 6” book without photographs or graphics except on the cover and which requires only minimal editorial change would be expected to be around $1,700 to printing stage; printing and distribution would cost $6.50 per copy (including handling and Valentine Press commission) plus freight; for photos add $3 each to the initial cost. For an e-book, allow an additional initial $240 for conversions and $30 for annual web hosting. Copyright and all profits from book sales would remain with the author.

Publishing criteria

The only circumstances which would preclude a book from being published by Valentine Press on a Fully Author-Funded basis is if we judged it too difficult to bring the original manuscript up to our basic literacy and layout quality requirements, or if there were a copyright problem. All authors must sign a Valentine Press contract stating that the manuscript is their own original work.

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