Florence Next Time

By John Ayling

Florence Cover 4

Florence Next Time is a unique pocket guide to the art of Florence, Italy. It is exactly what you are looking for if you are an art lover planning a return journey to that fabulous city – or a first-time visitor with a week or two to spend there. This e-book is neither a conventional tourist guide to Florence nor a book of art history.
John Ayling takes you with him, in his compulsively readable but highly literate and well-researched chapters on all the major galleries, museums and basilicas, as he tours and talks about the works, the artists and the history. He even spirits you away to visit the lesser-known treasure-houses that the first-time visitor hardly ever finds.
This is certainly a book which won’t appeal to those who go to Florence only to “do” the city and see the most famous works within a day or two. You will have to spend considerably longer than that following the author around, e-book in hand, to make Florence really live.
When you get home you will remember where you have been and what you have seen. You will not have just “done Florence” like any tourist, and you may have fallen in love with her forever!

Publication date: 4/3/15
ISBN:  978-0-9942244-3-9 epub
ISBN:  978-0-9942244-4-6 mobi

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