Full Publishing Partnership

Valentine Press and the author are equal partners. You have put the labour into writing the book. We put the labour into production, design and formatting, publicity, sales, printing and distribution. We share the marketing and the upfront out-of-pocket costs and we share the profits. Author retains full copyright.

What you get

Basic edit (punctuation, spelling, grammar, syntax, broad structure) teal-tick-sml
Developmental edit teal-tick-sml
Proofreading teal-tick-sml
Cover design (full colour, matt or gloss) teal-tick-sml
Formatting (converting manuscript to book or e-book format) teal-tick-sml
File uploading for Print on Demand and/or e-books teal-tick-sml
Electronic and physical book proofs teal-tick-sml
ISBN, Barcode and National Library listing teal-tick-sml
Inclusion in Ingram Global Distribution Channels* (print and/or e-book) teal-tick-sml
Listing in Ingram Advance Catalogue teal-tick-sml
Link from Valentine Press website to your website teal-tick-sml
Ordering and fulfilment of orders – by single book or short run – to you or direct to book purchaser teal-tick-sml
Page on Valentine Press website with PayPal Buy Now button teal-tick-sml
Book launch teal-tick-sml
Media releases teal-tick-sml

*Global Distribution Channels means your book and description are accessible worldwide to book wholesalers and retailers, including Amazon, Apple and major bookstores.

What you pay

Half the upfront ex-house costs.  For a 60,000 word book plus e-book, your share would be approximately $1000. Costs of printing and freight involved in fulfilment of orders plus handling and Valentine Press administration fee would be deducted from sales income, and the resulting profit shared 50/50.

Publishing criteria

Valentine Press will offer this option in selected cases at our discretion. The criteria will not be based on whether the book is a commercial proposition, but on whether we would particularly like to see it ‘out there’.  A contract stating that the manuscript is the author’s own original work will be required.

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